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Thousands of plants. Nationwide and overseas.


We provide industry-leading, hassle free, leak detection services focused on actually solving our clients' problems.

On-Demand Leak Detection Services

  • 24/7 Availability: Immediate response to emergencies round the clock, any day of the year.


  • Rapid Response Teams: Quick deployment of trained and experienced teams for immediate diagnosis.


  • Advanced Detection and Repair Technology: Use of cutting-edge technology for precise leak detection.

Preventive Leak Detection Services

  • Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Routine checks of facilities to identify and rectify potential issues before they escalate.


  • Customized Inspection Plans: Inspection plans are tailored to meet the specific needs of individual clients.


  • Reporting and Recommendations: Detailed reports outlining potential issues and recommended corrective actions after each inspection.

Pre/Post Outage Leak Detection Services

  •  Proactive Planning: Pinpoint leaks ahead of an outage so repairs can be made.


  • Verification: Test components following an outage to confirm repairs were successful.

Air In-leakage Remediation Services

  • Immediate Performance Boost: Seal leaks while we test, until permanent repairs can be made during a scheduled outage.

  • Maximize Profitability: Reduce operating costs and increase power output until your next scheduled outage

Honesty, integrity, hard work, wisdom, and a true love for this industry.

Every fraction of a megawatt is important to our clients. Even the smallest of leaks can cause a unit to burn more fuel and lead to costly maintenance issues and forced outages. StrongForce will help you find every megawatt by reducing air inleakage, back pressure, emissions, dissolved oxygen, and operating and maintenance costs. With our care, your plant will run at optimal efficiency.


Our technicians have identified leaks on over 3,000 units in the US and internationally. Our success lies not only in our leak detection experience, but in our team’s experience in the design, construction, and startup of power plants.


Every unique solution we provide

Inspection of all components within your vacuum boundary for leaks.

Steam Cycle Air Inleakage

We specialize in leak detection of ACC's and can pinpoint even the smallest of leaks, anywhere on the unit.

ACC Air Inleakage

Air in leakage within your condensor will result in a decline in performance and impact your bottom line. 

Surface Condensor Air Inleakage

High DO levels will decrease the life expectancy of boilers, HRSG's, and Steam Turbines.

Identification of Dissolved Oxygen Sources

Tube leaks lead to poor water chemistry, causing corrosion in boilers, HRSGs, and Steam Turbines.

Condensor & Heat Exchanger Tube Leak Detection

We detect pipe leaks, mitigating environmental risks and averting potential issues.

Underground & Aboveground Pipe Leak Detection

Leaks in the Lube Oil Vapor Extraction system may result in longer start-up times.

Lube Oil Vapor Extraction Air Inleakage

Ensure safety and maintain an efficiently operating generator. 

Generator Inspections Hydrogen & Stator Water Leak Detection

We identify storage tank leaks, helping prevent environmental risks and further complications.

Storage Tank Leak Detection

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